Archive for Author: prince

‘Far Away from Home: adolescent inpatient admissions far from home, out of area or to adult wards: a national surveillance study


The increasing prevalence and acuity of mental disorders among children and adolescents have placed pressure on services, including inpatient care, and resulted in young people being admitted at-distance or to adult wards. Little empirical research has investigated such admissions.



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Understanding the protective effect of social support on depression symptomatology from a longitudinal network perspective


Higher social support protects people from developing mental disorders. Limited evidence is available on the mechanism through which social support plays this protective role.


To investigate the stress-buffering process of social support on depressive symptoms using a novel longitudinal dynamic...

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Socioeconomic status and severe mental disorders: a bidirectional multivariable Mendelian randomisation study


Despite the evidence supporting the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and severe mental disorders (SMD), the directionality of the associations between income or education and mental disorders is still poorly understood.


To investigate the potential bidirectional causal relationships between genetic...

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