Categories: Mental health

Estimating the joint association of adverse childhood experiences and asthma with subsequent depressive symptoms: a marginal structural modelling approach


The relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and depression risk has been well documented. However, it remains unclear whether stress-related chronic conditions associated with ACEs, such as asthma, increase the long-term mental health burden of ACEs.


To investigate the joint association of ACEs and asthma with subsequent depressive symptoms among US adults.


This study used data from the Behavioural Risk Factor Surveillance System 2010, including 21 544 participants over 18 years old from four states where participants were questioned about ACEs. We used logistic regression models to calculate the adjusted OR (aOR) for elevated depressive symptoms evaluated by Patient Health Questionnaire-8 according to ACEs and asthma, along with marginal structural models (MSM) to consider ACE-related confounders between asthma and depression. We evaluated the additive interaction between ACEs and asthma on depressive symptoms with the relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI).


Of the 21 544 participants (mean age: 56, women: 59.5%), 52.3% reported ≥1 ACEs, 14.9% reported a history of asthma and 4.0% had depressive symptoms. ACEs and asthma were independently associated with elevated depressive symptoms (aORs (95% CI) were 2.85 (2.30 to 3.55) and 2.24 (1.50 to 3.27), respectively). Furthermore, our MSM revealed an additive interaction between ACEs and asthma for depressive symptoms (RERI (95% CI)=+1.63 (0.54 to 2.71)).


These findings suggest that asthma amplifies the risk of depressive symptoms associated with ACEs.

Clinical implications

Prevention and treatment of asthma, along with establishing preventive environments and services against ACEs, are effective in mitigating the potential burden of ACEs on mental health.


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